Does AAA Offer SR-22 Insurance? Definitive Guide

Yes, AAA offers SR-22 insurance. AAA will file an SR-22 form with the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if a driver is required to have one due to a serious traffic violation, such as a DUI or reckless driving

What is SR-22 Insurance?

SR-22 insurance is like a certificate that shows you have enough insurance to drive, especially if you’ve had problems with driving before. It’s not its own insurance policy, just a paper that proves you’re covered enough according to what the state says you need.


Used to reinstate a driver’s privileges after offenses like uninsured accidents or DUI convictions.

Duration Requirement

Typically required for 3 years post-conviction for driving uninsured or with a suspended license, and up to 5 years for a DUI.

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Can I get SR-22 insurance from AAA if I’m not a member?

If you’re not a member of AAA, you can’t get SR-22 insurance from them. AAA car insurance is only for members. You need to have a membership every year to use their benefits, like SR-22 insurance.

What You Need To Know About AAA’s SR-22 Insurance?

If you need SR-22 with AAA, there are many important things you need to know.

They are,

Filing Fee

AAA usually charges a $15-$25 fee to file the SR-22 form, which is required by the state. The exact fee might vary depending on where you live.

Cost Increase

If you need an SR-22, your car insurance with AAA might go up by about 17%. That means you’ll pay more than someone with a clean driving record.

DUI Impact

If you got a DUI and need an SR-22, your AAA insurance could increase by around 40% compared to someone with a clean record.

Lapse Consequences

If your SR-22 insurance with AAA stops for any reason, AAA has to tell the DMV. This could lead to your license being suspended until you renew your policy.

FR-44 Insurance

In Florida and Virginia, AAA offers FR-44 insurance, which is similar to SR-22 but requires more coverage.

Non-Owner Option

Even if you don’t own a car, AAA has SR-22 insurance for you.

To get a quote for SR-22 insurance from AAA, just call your local AAA office. 

How Does AAA’s SR-22 Insurance Process Work?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting SR-22 insurance from AAA

  1. Request SR-22: If you need SR-22 insurance, get in touch with AAA. You can do this by contacting your AAA agent or visiting a nearby AAA office.
  1. Pay Filing Fee: AAA charges a fee of $15 to $25 to file the SR-22 form with the state. Make sure to pay this fee when you request the SR-22.
  1. Check Policy: AAA will review your car insurance policy to ensure it meets your state’s minimum insurance requirements and any additional requirements from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
  1. Obtain SR-22 Certificate: Once AAA confirms that your policy meets the necessary criteria, they will file the SR-22 certificate with the DMV in your state. This certificate serves as proof of financial responsibility.
  1. Expect Increased Premiums: Having an SR-22 usually means you’ll have to pay higher premiums for your car insurance. On average, rates can increase by around 17% compared to drivers with clean records. If you have serious violations like a DUI, your premiums could go up by as much as 40%.
  2. Consider Non-Owner SR-22: If you don’t own a car but still need insurance, AAA offers non-owner car insurance policies that fulfill SR-22 requirements. These policies typically cost around $174 per year.
  1. Explore FR-44 Insurance: In states like Florida and Virginia, AAA provides FR-44 insurance, which requires more liability coverage than SR-22. However, it usually comes with higher costs.
  1. End SR-22 when Eligible: Once you’ve fulfilled the required period of financial responsibility, you can ask AAA to submit an SR26 form to the DMV to cancel the SR-22. This notifies the DMV that you no longer need the SR-22 certificate.

Can I Get SR-22 Insurance From Other Providers Without Being a Member?

Yes, you can get SR-22 insurance from other providers without being an AAA member. Many major insurance companies offer SR-22 insurance, including:

  • Progressive
  • State Farm
  • USAA

Which Insurance Companies Offer Non-owner SR-22 Insurance?

Here’s a clearer breakdown of insurance companies that offer non-owner SR-22 insurance:

1. USAA: They offer non-owner SR-22 insurance and are great for military members and their families. USAA is known for its good service and affordable rates.

2. State Farm: Another big company, State Farm, provides non-owner SR-22 insurance. They’re well-known for their helpful customer service and often have low rates.

3. Pronto Insurance: Even though they’re smaller, Pronto Insurance specializes in non-owner SR-22 policies. They offer easy online quotes and usually have affordable rates.

4. Insurance Navy: This provider also offers non-owner SR-22 insurance. They’re there to help drivers who need SR-22 because of traffic violations or other issues.

5. Magnum Insurance: Magnum Insurance covers non-owner SR-22 situations too. They’ll give you liability coverage for any car you drive that isn’t yours or someone in your household’s.

These companies make sure their non-owner SR-22 insurance policies meet what the state needs, providing the necessary liability coverage for drivers without their own cars who need SR-22 due to serious traffic violations.

Final Word

SR-22 insurance is crucial if you’ve had driving troubles like DUIs or accidents without insurance. AAA does provide SR-22, but you must be a member. 

Remember, there’s a fee of $15-$25 to file the SR-22, and your insurance cost might rise, especially if you have a DUI. Non-owner SR-22 is an option if you don’t own a car. Other big companies like Progressive, State Farm, and USAA also offer SR-22 insurance. 

If you need SR-22, act promptly to fulfill legal requirements and get back on track. It’s a process, but once you meet your obligations, you can move forward without SR-22. 

Drive safely and responsibly to avoid such situations in the future.

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People Also Ask

Does AAA offer SR-22 insurance?

Yes, AAA offers SR-22 insurance to drivers who have been classified as “high-risk” by their state

How much does AAA charge for SR-22 insurance?

AAA charges between $15 and $25 for the SR-22 filing fee. The exact cost of the premium depends on several factors, including the driver’s history, location, and demographics

Do I need to be an AAA member to get SR-22 insurance?

Yes, you need to be a AAA member to get SR-22 insurance. AAA car insurance is only available to members

What is an SR-22, and how does it work?

An SR-22 is a certificate showing you are financially responsible. It is not a type of insurance but rather a form that your insurance provider files with your state’s DMV to prove you have the minimum required levels of car insurance coverage

Can I get non-owner SR-22 insurance from AAA?

Yes, AAA offers non-owner SR-22 insurance policies for drivers who don’t own a car but need car insurance. This coverage meets the SR-22 requirements and costs around $174 per year

How long do I need to keep my SR-22?

The length of time you need to keep your SR-22 varies by state, but it is typically required for 3-5 years. After the required period passes, you can cancel your AAA car insurance or enjoy a lower premium rate

Can I compare SR-22 insurance quotes from different providers?

Yes, you can compare SR-22 insurance quotes from different providers to find the cheapest option. AAA’s rates may be competitive, but you should shop around to ensure you get the best deal


Jesuraj S

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